The Dragon and the Wolf

Once upon a time long ago there lived a dragon named Maude. Maude had scales as red as ketchup. Her best friend was a beautiful wolf. The wolf’s name was Pearl and her coat was silvery gray. Maude and Pearl loved to have “girls’s” day out adventures. Once, for their weekly get together the decided to go to the woods.

Maude and Pearl loved to have “girls’s” day out adventures. Once, for their weekly get together the decided to go to the woods.

Maude stretched her enormous wings and flew them deep into the woods. Pearl used her strong sense of smell to hunt deer for them to eat for lunch. Maude used her claws to catch some yummy fish.

They both drank from the magic waterfall and soon they looked like regular girls.Maude looked like a pretty red-haired girl, a friendly smile lighting her face.Peral became a lovely Native American Women her face full of mystery and wisdom. Only their eyes still looked wild.

Disguised to look like normal people, they went to town. No one screamed for once, or running in terror from the dragon or the wolf. Children played with them in the park. Girls wanted to talk to them. No one was afraid the were going to be dinner.

After awhile, though Peral missed the smells of the woods. No rabbits played in town and Maude missed flying high in the sky with her friend.

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